Quick Start Guide for Schools

School Quick-Start Guide

Welcome to SK Interactive! Please use this Quick-Start Guide to get your Workshops up and running. Although this document is a handy reference, we urge you to read the full School Guide before launching your program.

Go to https://skinteractive.school using the Username and Password listed in your LOGIN Email or provided to you by your school administration. Choose My School from the side menu, Select your School Account, select Workshops to preview the workshops available to your school.

Dance Workshops are organized by a colour system based on the speed, delivery style, and themes used. We recommend Yellow Workshops for K-Grade 2, Teal Workshops for Grade 2-6, Blue Workshops Grade 3-9, Red Workshops for Grade 4-12. Workshops consist of 5 Cumulative Sessions so once you begin, stick with it until the Virtual Performance in Session 5!

đź’» Turn ON a Device (computer or laptop)

ꔨ Connect to the Internet

🡇 Download the latest version of Chrome Web Browser onto your Device

💻  Login to SK InterACTIVE to access your Dance Workshops

Before diving into your chosen 5-Day Dance Experience, make sure to hit play on the Workshop titled: Welcome to SK InterACTIVE. This is a 5 minute Introduction to the program that will introduce you and your students to the instructors and prepare them for the adventure ahead!

Distribute the included swag (Groove Coins) to assist in maintaining engagement through “in-person” positive reinforcement.

Share about your experience in your Online Experience Hub!