Launch Test

Prepare to Launch

The SK InterACTIVE Experience is truly as User-Friendly as it gets, that being said, when accessing the future it’s always a good idea to run a test! Please run your test at least 7 days before your scheduled Launch Date so that we have time to solve any issues that arise during the test. We suggest that you use the video below to test your SK InterACTIVE Experience on any device you plan to use during your access period.

Set-up requirements are the same for watching any online video and include:

  • A Screen (projector screen, smartboard, monitor or TV)
  • A Device (computer, laptop, iPad)
  • A WiFi Connection
  • Latest version of Chrome Web Browser onto your Device (download here)
  • Speakers (these could part of your device or separate)
  • Necessary cables (HDMI, AUX, etc.)

Functions necessary for successful experience:

You need to be able to SEE the video, HEAR the video, CHOOSE an option when presented with one, and CONTROL the Pause, Volume, and Full screen functions. NOTE: The Full Screen button can be slow to appear. Be patient when hovering your cursor over the bottom right area of the viewing window. Due to the interactive format of the experience, there are no REWIND or FAST FOWARD/SKIP options available.

When playing the video below, please ask yourself 3 questions:

If the answer to one of the questions above is “No”, please visit our Support page or Contact us right away so that we can support you in preparing for launch.