This is a good place to start your adventure and learn how to set-up your SK InterACTIVE Experience!

“Diversity, inclusion, and celebrating another’s individual strengths are lessons that must be experienced and embodied to be understood.”




UNITY is an embodied celebration of diversity, inclusion, and the power of communication! This Workshop is our contribution to the conversation on racism, discrimination, and inequality, tailored to the K-6+ student and communicated through movement! 

The UNITY Workshop is made up of 3 mini-dance lessons, 4 core dance activities, self-reflection questions, secret missions and support materials! There is approximately 2 hours of material that can be experienced over days, weeks, or months, is designed to be accessible to grades K through 6, and includes access to an online video resource hub for teachers!

My Workshops

Workshop Overview

0 Sessions

Welcome To SK InterACTIVE

Welcome to SK InterACTIVE! Watch and share this InterACTIVE Overview!

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Your Workshop Previews

If you have been granted access to any Workshop Previews, you will find them here!

All InterACTIVE Workshops

Not Enrolled
3 Sessions

UNITY *Feature Workshop*

Workshop material for K – Gr. 9 Students ~2 hours of material that can be used over the course of…

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Not Enrolled
6 Sessions

“Old Town Road 2”

5 Cumulative Dance Sessions 3, 6, and 9-Month Access Dance Combo, Games, Mindfulness Exercises, + more Each Session is 30-45…

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Not Enrolled
6 Sessions


5 Cumulative Dance Sessions 3, 6, and 9-Month Access Dance Combo, Games, Mindfulness Exercises, + more Each Session is 30-45…

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Not Enrolled
6 Sessions

“Get Back Right”

5 Cumulative Dance Sessions 3, 6, and 9-Month Access Dance Combo, Games, Mindfulness Exercises, + more Each Session is 30-45…

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Not Enrolled
6 Sessions

“Old Town Road”

5 Cumulative Dance Sessions 1-Month Access extensions available Dance Combo, Games, Mindfulness Exercises, + more 1 Dance Combo 1 Virtual…

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Not Enrolled
6 Sessions

“Ride the Train”

5 Cumulative Dance Sessions 3, 6, and 9-Month Access Dance Combo, Games, Mindfulness Exercises, + more Each Session is 30-45…

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Not Enrolled
6 Sessions

“Teddy’s Jam”

5 Cumulative Dance Sessions 3, 6, and 9-Month Access Dance Combo, Games, Mindfulness Exercises, + more Each Session is 30-45…

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Not Enrolled
6 Sessions

“Go Crazy”

5 Cumulative Dance Sessions 3, 6, and 9-Month Access Dance Combo, Games, Mindfulness Exercises, + more Each Session is 30-45…

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Not Enrolled
6 Sessions

“Move Your Feet”

5 Cumulative Sessions 3, 6, and 9-Month Access Dance Combo, Games, Mindfulness Exercises, + more Each Session is 30-45 mins…

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Movement Breaks

0 Sessions

30 Second Melt (Movement Break)

Combine Movement and Mindfulness in one of our favorite dance activities!

0% Complete
0/0 Steps

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Getting Started

Here are some helpful links to help you set your Students up for success!

The ABC's of SK InterACTIVE *coming soon*

SK InterACTIVE is as User Friendly as clicking “GO” but if you want to squeeze more out of your experience, you can learn a few tricks here! 

How students join their School Group with a “Group Code”

Join/Add A School Group

If you plan on inviting others to join in your adventure, you’re going to need to Join or Create a School Group. 

IMPORTANT: There’s a good chance that a School Group has already been set-up for you. Please click on “My School” in the left menu bar and see if  your School Group is there!

School Group

School Group already set-up? Join your School Group here.

School Group

Share the Workshops with your colleagues and students.

School Group

Create & Share a "Join-Code" so your Colleagues and Students can join!